

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, beauty, family and all things local. Hope you have a nice stay!

Where Have I Been?

Where Have I Been?

Some of you may have noticed that I have been more than quiet on Instagram over the past…. *gulp* year. But - I have a very good reason because I HAD A BABY!

Photo: Fast Photography

Photo: Fast Photography

 My husband and I were more than thrilled and excited to meet our little man at the end of July 2020. I was so fortunate to have experienced a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy! Perhaps there will be more mom and baby content in the future?

Photo: Fast Photography

Photo: Fast Photography

So why the Silence...?

In and around September 2019, I was really struggling with what to post and who I was as a professional makeup artist. I felt that I had so much to share but didn’t have the confidence to share it. My weekends were packed with weddings and boudoir makeup jobs, but I was willy-nilly with what I decided to share to my Instagram portfolio. I received beautiful photos from the many photographers I was fortunate enough to work with, but didn’t have it in me to include more than a generic caption from Pinterest. I had lost my mojo, my passion and truly my drive to maintain a social media presence.

In October, my husband and I left Winnipeg for the trip of a lifetime: a two week Italian vacation. An experience I'll be sure to comment on in another post! I thought this would be the experience I needed to reinvigorate my soul and renew my passion… However; when we found out I was expecting, contributing to the social media world seemed…. Not as important as growing a little life.

Fast forward to February of the new year (remember the excitement of what 2020 could bring) and I had the opportunity to travel to Tulum, Mexico to work with a group of beautiful ladies at a boudoir retreat. This was it, I was going to become a content queen and back into social media game!

Annddd… we all know how this year has gone since February in North America. A global pandemic, murder hornets (remember that buzz…. heh) and a world wide movement to end systemic racism; by bringing awareness to the inequalities of our world, make change and learn how to be better.

What a year it’s been… and we still have a few months to go…

So, long story long - it never seemed like the “right time” to make my online presence known. But here we are and I think I’ve found my voice. Hi, I’m Kylie. I am a professional makeup artist in Winnipeg, Manitoba and I’m excited to share my life as a wife and new mom. I enjoy traveling, craft beer, all things local, my fur baby Ben (see below!) and obviously makeup.

Photo: Fast Photography

Photo: Fast Photography

I can’t wait to connect and share my life with you all!

Taker Easy,

In The Name of Beauty

In The Name of Beauty